Publisher Protection

How GeoEdge Helps Setupad Reduce Customer Churn

Stopped receiving auto-redirects

Increased its revenue

Improved its ad operations efficiency

In A Nutshell

Setupad is a monetization platform for publishers, that promises their clients an increase in ad revenue by connecting them to top SSPs (Supply Side Platforms) from around the world in a header bidding way. Recently malvertising became a real threat in the advertising industry causing the drop in publishers’ revenue. Povilas Goberis, Setupad’s COO, turned to GeoEdge for a cost-efficient solution that could help effectively address the issue in real-time.
GeoEdge’s real-time blocking solution has helped us to gain more trust with our clients.

Alvils Karlstrems

Technical Sales Manager, Setupad

The Challenge: An Increase in Malvertising and Low-quality Ads

Setupad helps publishers to find a way to join the programmatic ecosystem and increase revenue streams by displaying ads on their websites. Due to recent malvertising attacks, Setupad began to receive client complaints of low-quality ads, auto-redirects, and ad popups. To troubleshoot the problem, Setupad resorted to having its ad-ops team manually block the ads. At a minimum, locating and weeding out the source of the malvertising cost Setupad valuable employee time, with drastic cases taking up to a full day to diagnose and resolve. Concerns about user experience in client websites further pushed Setupad to look for an alternative solution that would prevent malvertising threats faster and more efficiently.
We understood from the very beginning that ad quality in a programmatic environment is crucial in order to maintain successful and long-term cooperation with publishers. In fact, malware, fraud, and misleading advertising might be the reason (other) companies fail to satisfy the high-quality requirements set by their customers. We developed our own tools and implemented GeoEdge as part of our technology to mitigate the problem of bad actors in ad inventories where we run our solution
Povilas Goberis

COO, Setupad

The Search Is On: A Simple To Implement, Native Solution

Setupad concluded that dealing with the problem in-house was simply not a viable option. GeoEdge seemed like the natural choice as the company’s ad security solution fit Setupad’s three main criteria:

1. Native implementation within their home-developed platform
2. Quick and easy setup
3. Real-time blocking to address the problem, before it impacted clients’ user experience

GeoEdge’s real-time blocking solution has helped us to gain more trust with our clients.

Alvils Karlstrems

Technical Sales Manager, Setupad

The Solution: Real-Time Blocking Of Malicious Ad Activity

GeoEdge’s implementation was quick and easy.

More importantly, the software’s impact was immediate! GeoEdge now identifies and blocks 99% of deceitful advertising auto-redirects in real-time, leading to the natural reduction of customer churn in Setupad inventory. Additionally, the ad security software immediately kills those pesky popups and unwieldy looking display ads, providing for the clean, safe and secure user experience that Setupad has always prided itself on delivering to clients.

The Result: Maximum Ad Revenue, Minimized Customer Churn

Gone are the days of hours spent manually identifying malicious ad content. Setupad can now focus on delivering the ultimate ad monetization solution they promise their clients, without worrying it will hinder the publishers’ user experience in any way. Instead, that valuable time is now placed on more important ventures, like driving new business and further developing the product. As for Setupad’s clients? Setupad can now fully focus on delivering advanced ad optimization solutions and further increase publishers’ ad revenue without wasting time and resources conquering malvertising threats.


Define what bad ads look like for your business. Test drive GeoEdge's real-time ad quality solution. Start Your Free Trial