Publisher Protection

GeoEdge Stops Auto-Redirects And Boosts Traffic And Revenue For Triboo

How GeoEdge Stopped Auto-redirects and Allowed Triboo to Increase Traffic and Revenue

Seen a major decrease in Auto-Redirects
0 %
Restored relations with all its partners
0 %
Increase in traffc to all of its existing websites
0 %

In a Nutshell

After implementing GeoEdge’s real-time advanced blocking solution, digital tech powerhouse Triboo was able to tackle an acute auto-redirect problem. GeoEdge offered an easy-to-implement solution, which ended months of unsuccessful attempts to resolve the problem manually. GeoEdge helped Triboo understand that the number of malicious or inappropriate ads rendered on its publisher sites was not in the hundreds, as user complaints suggested, but closer to 100,000! GeoEdge’s real-time blocking solution made an immediate impact, allowing Triboo to restore its publishers’ trust. Triboo was also able to reinstate demand from all of its SSP partners, in addition to adding new demand partners.
After partnering with GeoEdge, we noticed that mobile redirects were simply not happening anymore. About 98% were blocked.
Marco Palermo

Head of Tech and Business Development, Triboo Group


Triboo is a leading digital tech powerhouse and integrator serving hundreds of publishers, most of them in Italy. The company manages ad inventory for a network of European publishers, and helps publishers monetize by partnering with SSPs to increase overall demand within its network. Triboo is also the first Italian company certified for Alibaba, WeChat, and Baidu.

Among the media services, Triboo provides are solutions to drive the audience and increase programmatic monetization. Triboo’s business model depends on the trust of its publisher clients, which in turn depends on the safety of its clients’ audiences. Sitting between publishers and advertising demand partners, Triboo manages a complex set of relationships. That complexity necessitates proactive – rather than reactive – solutions for security issues.

The Problem: Finding Redirects In A Haystack

Triboo’s publisher clients reported that their users were experiencing auto-redirects in large numbers—mostly on mobile. Triboo’s responsibility to its clients was to seek out the sources of redirects, and to work with demand partners to halt the problem. However, Triboo’s team felt they were not equipped to manage the problem in real time, and that they had only limited insights into developing effective and reactive solutions.

Detecting the source of malicious ads involved a great deal of manual work. Triboo’s team needed to reach out to each of their many SSPs (which required substantial troubleshooting time), and it did not stop new attacks elsewhere across their network. Triboo was not even certain of how many redirect attacks they needed to address at any given time.

The inability to address the full scope of the auto-redirects began to negatively impact Triboo’s relationships with its publishers. Some publishers simply removed Triboo’s code from their sites. In other cases, Triboo turned off demand partners that were delivering bad ads until they could resolve their issues. While SSPs of all sizes were targeted by malvertisers, there was one month in which the greatest source of redirects was also one of the largest SSPs in the ad ecosystem. This negatively affected their publishers’ ability to monetize to the fullest.

Once we had an automated solution for blocking redirects, we were able to enlarge Triboo’s number of SSP partners. While we were seeing these redirects, we were not sure we could trust the demand from some of our existing partners. After GeoEdge security was added, we could trust their demand once again.
Marco Palermo

Head of Tech and Business Development, Triboo Group

The Solution

Triboo engaged GeoEdge for security solutions prior to these waves of redirect attacks. At this point, they decided to implement GeoEdge’s real-time solution for monitoring and blocking malicious and inappropriate ads.

A GeoEdge account representative worked with Triboo to implement the blocking solution within a single day. The implementation required few technical resources of Triboo’s team, who were able to manage the process through a simple implementation page. After one week of monitoring and blocking unwanted ads through GeoEdge, Triboo discovered that the problem was more widespread than they originally believed, and they began working closely with GeoEdge to address it. Triboo learned that their publisher network had experienced around 100,000 cases of unwanted ads. Previously, the volume of ad security-related emails they had received numbered in the hundreds.

Triboo found that GeoEdge support delivered fast, clear and specific guidance, and action whenever it was necessary. After implementing GeoEdge’s real-time solution, Triboo noticed the redirects almost entirely vanished. Weeks later, a very small number of new redirects surfaced, but GeoEdge quickly addressed the new issue and blocked those attacks from happening again as well.

By delivering safe, quality ads, Triboo was able to maintain its reputation with its publishers, and grow more stable partnerships. Triboo was also able to turn on any of its demand partners they had paused, and to add new demand partners to its stack. With more overall demand, their publisher clients are now better able to maximize the revenue and overall value that Triboo delivers to them. Triboo found that GeoEdge’s solution provided their team not only with security, but with peace of mind that allowed them to focus on their core business needs more easily.

Moving Forward

Triboo has now asked its publisher partners to implement GeoEdge’s real-time monitoring and blocking solutions as well, in order to enhance end-to-end security across and also beyond their network. Triboo sees value in making the entire ad ecosystem more secure for all involved. When users find their publishers to be reliable and trustworthy, those publishers and Triboo can work together, moving forward on more advanced strategies for meeting their long-term business goals.


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