Keyword Blocking: Solutions For Bad Ad Content

Maximize Security For Your Readers and Tighten Control Over the Creative that Hits Your Site With GeoEdge’s New Solution!

Our Keyword blocking solution is here!

It’s no secret that a great user experience is the key to attracting and retaining users.

There are plenty of articles circulating that highlight site must-haves: unique content, a quick load time, real-time support, and more. But what about user experience?

Today, a safe user experience ultimately reigns supreme.


Way Back When

A couple of years back, when publishers first dipped their toes into the programmatic waters, they rejoiced at the newfound ad revenue.

Publishers sold ad spots without knowing exactly what types of ads were actually served. During this transition, publishers overlooked an essential factor that fosters user experienceAd Quality!

Users suddenly faced sites which were overrun by fake ads and the occasional dreaded malware attack. Sadly, this is what the typical user experience looks like.


Harsh Realities 

The reality is that cyber-criminals have sneakily slipped into programmatic networks and deployed their vicious traps. As one cybercriminal is caught – 5 more pop up!

Unfortunately for publishers, there isn’t much that can be done to combat the rise of malicious actors.

But publishers are able to control the amount of fake, offensive or malicious ads that hit their sites.


GeoEdge understands that Ad Ops are central to UX and vice versa.


When malicious or offensive ads slip through, it can deeply damage the publisher’s reputation, as poor- ad quality increases a site’s bounce rate and leads to user churn.

By preserving the integrity of the site experience, publishers can more easily nurture their audiences by providing them with quality, relevant content.

Trusted and safe sites promote loyalty, increase the lifetime value of the user, and drive greater overall revenue for the publisher.


GeoEdge’s New Solution

GeoEdge is proud to provide its customers with superior solutions for both Ad Security and Ad Quality. As part of GeoEdge’s full suite of Ad Quality solutions, GeoEdge is happy to present keyword blocking, the new “By Keyword” incident: a powerful new tool allowing users to better manage ad and landing page content based on specific keywords.


Unique among ad security and quality vendors, GeoEdge’s new tool is the only one of its kind.


This new feature provides users with an additional layer of control over ad content within their domain. It enables users to monitor specific ads, such as: Fake ads, Competitors’ ads, Offensive ads, Election ads, Covid -19  ads and other forms of ads that are not aligned with customers’ content. 


This solution stems from our dedicated ad content management capabilities, offering greater granularity than “Ad Verticals” and complementing our features, such as “my blocked domains”.


Power to the Publishers

The keyword blocking tool empowers publishers to have more control over the content on their site, including ad content. GeoEdge places the power in the publisher’s hands.

Now, publishers have control over their ad stack and over their entire website’s content.


Today’s users expect a safe user experience. Confidently provide it to them with GeoEdge’s real-time solutions today.

Alisha is a Technology Writer and Marketing Manager at GeoEdge. Her writing focuses on current events in the AdTech ecosystem and cyberattacks served through the digital advertising supply chain. You can find Alisha on LinkedIn to discuss brand building and happenings in AdTech.

Malvertising, the practice of sprinkling malicious code into legitimate-looking ads is growing more sophisticated. GeoEdge’s holistic ad quality solution has you covered.


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