Mapping the Display Ad-Serving Process

• A user is browsing to a website. The site loads with all its content and an Ad Slot is ready for an ‎Ad display. ‎

• The publisher’s web page is calling on the Supply Side Platform (SSP) to check and confirm ‎what the placement’s requirements are. It verifies the data of the placement (specifications, ‎cookie information, site info, geo etc.).‎

• It is important to understand that this portion of reviewing all data is one of the crucial factors ‎which are reviewed before the auction. The value of user (cookie information and ‎segmentation of the user) is what makes the final decision to how valuable it is for the bid to ‎be higher.‎

• The publisher at this point awaits the final call to the Ad server –where his Ad Slot will go into ‎auction.‎

• The auction is built with all inventory providers offering their bids (along with the DSP). The ‎bidder provides the correct choice for the publisher, when choosing a high bid (which ‎ultimately meets the user’s profile) in order to win the auction.‎

• The Demand Side Platform (DSP) reviews the content to be set and make the appropriate ‎decision on what Ad should be placed based on the available media. The publisher at this point ‎has finalized the loading of the page and awaits the final auction to be set on the page.‎

• The SSP, based on all the data provided by all – has chosen the final winner (by financially ‎reviewing the auction and the higher bid).‎

• The Ad is sent and presented on the publisher’s page for the user’s engagement.‎

Mapping the Display Ad-Serving Process

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